Posted in HR Automation

How to Create an Optimized Employee Onboarding Workflow

The onboarding process plays a crucial role in building a more productive workforce. Getting new hires in on the right foot enables them to start contributing sooner rather than later.

Onboarding serves as an employee’s first introduction to a company. But this process is often hampered by paperwork, as new hires are inundated with piles of tedious forms.

As a result, new hires are left feeling overwhelmed before they start. So how can you streamline the employee onboarding process and leave new hires with a positive first impression?

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Posted in Workflow Automation

How to Create an Automated Workflow Without Coding

Every organization has its own set of workflows for everyday tasks. These workflows used to rely on paper forms, ledgers, and inter-office memos.

Most teams have now “progressed” to using Excel and email. While it’s better than physical paper, email-based workflows are still manual and inefficient.

The good news is that modern, cloud-based software is putting the power of automated, digital processes in the hands of non-technical business users.

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Posted in Procurement Automation

How to Automate Your Purchase Order Approval Workflow

You know the story. 

An employee puts in a purchase order, only to find that nothing gets delivered and they don’t have the tools they need for the job.

The paperwork is buried in the purchasing manager’s inbox, waiting for an approval that never comes. The busy purchase manager has forgotten to sign off.

When you’re using manual purchasing processes, this is bound to happen. Purchase requests get filled out wrong, lost, or forgotten, and delays ensue.

This doesn’t have to be the way. Automatic approval software can remedy the ills of manual processing, increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

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Posted in Workflow Automation

Workflow Management: What It Is and How to Do It

Businesses today have to do more than build great products. They have to refine their workflows and make their operations more efficient to stay competitive.

Much of what gets done in any organization depends on workflows — approving purchase orders, onboarding new hires, processing expense claims, etc. Effective workflow management improves overall productivity and boosts your bottom line.

But with dozens or even hundreds of workflows, how do you manage all of them? And is there software that lets you create and automate your workflows?

In this article, we’ll look at what workflow management is and best practices for managing workflows. We’ll also cover how you can use workflow management software to automate more of your work.

Click the links below to navigate to the section that interests you most:

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Posted in Workflow Automation

The Step-By-Step Guide to Improving Workflow Efficiency

Workflows play a critical role for every organization. They ensure that processes like onboarding new employees and sending purchase orders follow the same steps every time.

Making a single change to a workflow–removing an unnecessary task, automating a step, digitizing a form–can have a meaningful positive impact on how (and how quickly) work gets done. 

But how exactly do you create more efficient workflows? And what tools are available that can help with this process?

In this article, we’ll explain what workflow efficiency is and how it’s measured. We’ll also look at how you can build more efficient workflows.

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Posted in Workflow Automation

6 Workflow Design Best Practices to Increase User Adoption

Assuming you’ve got the basics right, the single most important factor in determining the success of your workflow automation project is user adoption.

No matter how well-designed your workflow is and how quickly you deployed it, if your users find it difficult or unpleasant to use, you’ll end up with shelfware.

On the other hand, if delighting your end users is a project priority from day one, you’ll see rapid adoption, expansion, and measurable gains.

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Posted in frevvo Updates

The Best Kissflow Alternative

On the surface Kissflow Process seems similar to frevvo’s low-code workflow automation software. They’re both designed to automate everyday, repetitive tasks and include forms, routing, access control, and dynamic behavior.

Need a simple vacation request workflow, for example? Both frevvo and Kissflow can handle that.

But as soon as things get even slightly more complicated, Kissflow struggles to deliver.

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Posted in Workflow Automation

7 Workflow Optimization Tactics to Supercharge Your Business

We should be done with the days of paper trails, overflowing filing cabinets, and endless forms. But many organizations are still manually processing employee data, purchase orders, and other routine paperwork.

By recognizing and eliminating manual processes and bottlenecks in your business’ workflows, you can start focusing on the things that matter.

Want to kick your workflows into overdrive and slash the inefficiencies from your system? This article will walk you through seven workflow optimization tactics for streamlining your business processes.

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Posted in Workflow Automation

Workflows for Remote Teams: How to Keep Work Flowing from a Distance

Has your team made the switch to remote work? With a plethora of virtual collaboration tools available, adopting a remote work model has never been easier! 

Yet, many organizations find themselves struggling to adapt, often because they simply don’t know how to best coordinate their team members to ensure optimal productivity for their remote teams. 

Worried your team won’t get as much work done from home? Don’t be. Sixty-nine percent of employees say they’re more productive when working from home.

Let’s take a closer look at how you can equip your remote team to do their best work, no matter where they are.

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Posted in Workflow Automation

Creating a Digital Signature Workflow

Are you still printing documents only to sign them and scan them again?

A growing number of businesses are moving away from paper-based forms and contracts and embracing electronic forms and digital signatures. These recent advances facilitate workflow automation, which increases efficiency, reduces errors, promotes transparency and slashes business costs. 

In the past, forms that require multiple signatures either involved someone physically carrying or messengering or mailing the document to the next party to sign, or each person printing, signing, scanning and emailing the form to the next party. Getting a document that needed multiple signatures signed could take days or weeks, particularly if the signatories were in different locations. 

Enter live forms with digital signatures and automated approval routing, and that painstaking process can be boiled down to mere minutes. 

Let’s take a closer look.

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