Posted in Procurement Automation

Purchase Requisition vs Purchase Order: What’s the Difference?

Purchase requisitions and purchase orders (“POs”) are both key documents in an efficient procurement process for any business. They allow teams to plan purchases adequately, plan budgets, and provide proof of spending in case of financial audits.

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Posted in Procurement Automation

Purchase Orders vs Invoices – What You Need to Know

People often confuse purchase orders (also known as POs) and invoices or use them interchangeably. In fact, they are two different documents that each serve their own purpose. Both are key elements of the procurement process for any business.

But what’s the difference between the two – and when would you use a PO vs an invoice?

And, how can you use workflow automation to streamline invoice processing as well as purchase order as well as invoice processing in your organization through workflow automation?

Read on to find out.

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